Monday, April 30, 2012

Dușman {pronounced doosh-man}

Yep. That is the word for "enemy" in Romanian, introduced, it appears, by the Turks who originally borrowed it from the Persians. It's pretty easy to remember for obvious reasons, not that I plan on needing to use this word as part of my active vocabulary in Romanian but it is amusing.

One thing I have been trying to do as an extracurricular activity is, well, aside from watching Disney movies dubbed in Romanian (so far I have watched the Jungle Book I & II, Snow White, and the Beauty & the Beast) is looking up Bible verses in Romanian and then comparing them to the English version. So, as you can imagine, I was very pleased when I was reading Psalm 143:8-10 and was able to recognize the word dușmanii!

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, 
   for I have put my trust in you. 
Show me the way I should go, 
   for to you I entrust my life. 
Rescue me from my enemies, LORD, 
   for I hide myself in you. 
Teach me to do your will, 
   for you are my God; 
may your good Spirit 
   lead me on level ground.

Fă-mă să aud dimineața despre îndurarea Ta, 
căci în Tine mă încred! 
Fă-mi cunoscută calea pe care să merg, 
căci la Tine îmi înalț sufletul!
Doamne , izbăvește-mă de dușmanii mei, 
căci la Tine caut adăpost!
Învață-mă cum să-Ți împlinesc voia, 
căci Tu ești Dumnezeul meu! 
Fie ca Duhul Tău cel bun 
să mă călăuzească prin locuri netede!

1 comment:

  1. you should watch the flintstones in romanian so your accent in romanian will similar to your spanish, yabbadabbadoo
